Bayrak Radyosu
BM GENEL SEKRETERİ BAN, TARAFLARCA MERAKLA BEKLENEN KIBRIS RAPORUNU HAZIRLAYARAK GÜVENLİK KONSEYİ'NE SUNDU.Bayrak Radio was established on the 25th of December 1963 to voice the cause of the Turkish Cypriot people following its exclusion by Greek Cypriots
Address Bayrak Radio Television Corporation Bayrak Radio, Television CorporationBRTK Sitesi, Dr. Fazıl Küçük Bulvarı, Lefkoşa, TRNCVia Mersin 10 TurkeyBAYRAK RADYO TELEVİZYON KURUMU Address:BRTK SİTESİ,DR. FAZIL KÜÇÜK BULVARILEFKOŞAKUZEY KIBRIS T
Email ozer.kanli@brtk.net
Phone +90 392 225 5555
Twitter http://twitter.com/bayrak_haber
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